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Summer Project

Follow us on YouTube and watch the video narrated by Sabine or read the story below. Enjoy!

It was almost summertime, which would mean lots of sunshine and lots of lovely days enjoying the outdoors together.

Great Uncle Blue had the perfect plan to make the summer even better. He suggested to build a boat together, so they can also have some fun on the water. The fairies and other gnomes thought that was a perfect idea and they started making plans and doing preparations right away.

They looked for the perfect piece of wood and took it to the shed, of course with a little bit of help from Mrs.S, their human friend.

Tully and Little made sure they collected all the right tools for the job.

Great Uncle Blue had exactly in mind what the boat should look like and shared his plans with everyone. It is going to be a sailboat, he said with joy.

The others were very impressed with his plan, and the drawing of the boat really captured their interest. They couldn’t wait to get started!

And so they began.

First they chopped and carved the wood to create a hole. That will be the cockpit of the boat, the place where they can sit. It was quite a hard job to do. Sprok is very good with the ax so he took on this heavy task all by himself, while the others took care of the pieces being removed.

Watch out! Coming down! Great Uncle Blue shouted to Chip when a new piece of wood came down the rope. Chip, Tully and Little made sure all the pieces of wood were immediately removed because it is always good to keep your working area clean and tidy. 

They worked and worked and worked, all day long. 

A few days later it was time to work on the boom and the gaff of the boat and to attach the tarp that Mrs.S made for them.

Chip climbed all the way up the boom to fasten it, which was pretty scary. Just look how high it is, wouldn't that make you dizzy?


After working on the boat again for a whole day they finished building. They were so very happy with the end result and proud of all of the work they had done together. Hip Hip Hooray, cheered Haru

Now all they had to do was wait…wait for the perfect day to set sail for the very first time. When that day finally arrived on one of the first days of summer, all the fairies came to watch.

It was quite a festivity. All of them stood by the water admiring the beautiful work of their friends, waiting for the boat to enter the water. When it did they all cheered and clapped, and got very excited because they couldn't wait to take a boat trip themselves.

All fairies took turns taking the boat for a ride on the water. Clover even took his fishing net.

Everyone had so much fun, until the sun finally set.

And so the summer started and everyone knew: This is going to be a GREAT summer!

Created for Eco Flower Fairies by Sabine Van Deudekom

@ Sabine Van Deudekom /The Seasonfairies and Friends

Follow the links below to learn more about the Casting of this story:

Cave Gnome as Great Uncle Blue
Forest Gnome with Pouch as Sprok
Forest Gnome as Chip
Tulip Fairy as Tully
Forget-Me-Not Fairy as Little
Apple Blossom Fairy as Haru





  • Love this story!

    Laurien Adriaanse
  • Dear Sabine, I am in awe with this story! The dolls simply come to life in it, it’s magic! I’m also blown away with the props that you created for this story – ax, wheelbarrow, a fishing net and a REAL boat – absolutely outstanding. Amazing job!

    Nicoleta Taylor

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